
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Shopping the Backyard

Or The Great Plant Migration...
Or What a Sodding Mess...
Or That Plant Looks Dead, Let's Move It to the Front Yard...

You get the idea, we are moving some plants around. Trees in the neighboring yard to the south of us are getting pretty big, and that means our back yard has less and less sun exposure each year. We are trying to grow more food this summer, so we'll need those sunny spots for edibles. Therefore, a few plants need to be relocated.

Also, I hate mowing grass.

So, we decided to smother some grass in the parking strip and create a sweet little flower garden. Luckily we've had some very nice weather, and I've been a busy little bee. Since we are spending a good chunk of change on soil and mulch, the actual plants will all have to come from the yard. I'm hoping to get a gift card to Portland Nursery for my birthday - hint, hint.

We need to move: a magnolia, a tea tree, a lilac, many day lilies, a few iris, five lavenders, a few roses, some grasses, a sedum and a peony. There are a few other plants that I'll probably move or divide as well. So we'll have plenty to fill the new garden.

A regular old parking strip with a water main access point to keep clear.
My yard is always a work in progress, but I think this will look great. It is easy work, but labor intensive. I decided to remove the sod only around the edges. Next up we'll put in some cedar edging, soil and the larger plants (magnolia, tea tree and lilac).

By the way, we'll be laying a brick path just to the left of the new garden!


  1. I wish I could do some planting...but they are still calling for frost at night. This is APRIL and we are in the SOUTH! I have no idea what's going on. Armageddon, I tell you!

    1. I suppose this project could completely backfire, I think there's still chance of frost here as well. Luckily, I'm not overly attached to any of my plants except the wisteria and the viburnum - and they aren't moving!

  2. I need to get in my yard ASAP--the grass is so sad looking from drought. I've decided to abandon most of it as it dies and turn our front yard into something much more landscaped and yet non-fussy (who knew grass was so fussy??).

    Do you have a compost pile? We don't have to purchase any soil amendments this year because we have several piles (not to city code...oops!). You can also try sheet composting on the actual flower beds. Pretty low maintenance and works very well.

    1. Grass needs a ridiculous amount of work! And I refuse to water it...We do have three small compost piles, two of which are ready to use! So I'll be starting those over with the newly removed sod. I do have a bed in front of the porch that needs attention. This is my idea: pull away existing mulch, weed heavy handedly, put down cardboard and cover with new mulch. That should work for a few years, right!?

  3. You are busy in the yard and it sounds like you are going to be busy for a while! I love to work in our yard, but it's still so cool here that I haven't had a chance to get our there. The brick path next to the new garden sounds awesome...can't wait for photos! Your neighborhood looks really cute! Love the sidewalks!

    1. I sort of took the last two years off. Jane was very unpredictable and needy, but she's so much better at finding things to do now that I can actually get some things done! We love our neighborhood and especially the people on our street.

  4. Yes, we call it our annual perennial garden (because we are always moving things).

    1. Haha - I like that! I've had good luck moving most things, but peonies seem to resent being touched. It's possible mine won't live through the move.
